Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 1

Hello, and welcome to this blog. I am an injured Alaskan worker. This is the first post I have undertaken. I am serious in my concerns about the workers compensation system and the injustices taking place against workers.

I am outraged that the medical profession has lent itself to a breed of doctors who are a festering cankerous boil spreading poison throughout the medical community. They are quite simply, the medical prostitutes of the insurance giants. To these doctors, the "First Do No Harm" promise has become a lost belief. To them medicine has gone green - to the color of money and it is now " Business First Regardless The Harm" . They give no thought to the patients who desperately need care or to the physicians who provide care for those patients. They will lie, falsify medical records and leave patients to die if need be. They are goal oriented for one purpose, and one purpose only, and that is to save money for their insurance bosses. To these doctors, patients are an expendable commodity. The value of human life is found in money for these doctors and they market their skills tenaciously, apparently without fear of accountability.

With this blog I hope to bring exposure to medical and insurance fraud and make information available to others struggling to obtain much needed benefits.

I hope to bring awareness to the uninjured worker; the worker who still believes that truth is the goal, that justice will prevail when facts and truths are presented in their behalf. I hope to bring awareness to the worker who doesn't believe the system is really as broken as people say it is. The system is broken. It is very broken, and the uninjured worker needs to know he or she is at risk for abuse by this broken system if they sustain a serious injury or illness resulting from their employment.

Workers compensation has become a "Murder Made Legal" system in this country. Little is being done to rectify that situation and the goal of this site is to provide support and information to help workers in their battle. It is not an easy one and is not for the faint at heart. It could be the fight of your life and dedication to taking care of your life will be the driving factor that keeps you going.

People have been injured, maimed for life and others have tragically lost their lives. This will continue until workers take a stand. We are the people who keep America a working nation, we are the working class regardless of our position or status. We are worth fighting for, alone or as group, we need to make certain that medical care is there for us if we lose our ability to work due to a job related injury.

I have been fighting an open comp case for 28 years. In spite of the fact that I was medically retired for my injury. I have proven my case. I will continue to fight for the workers compensation benefits I need to support myself.


  1. Dear Terri,

    Please keep up the fight. The WC system is broken throughout the country leaving injured workers struggling with debt and medical problems with no solutions. This doesn't just harm them. It harms their children, family and communities. This issue has become a human's rights issue.

    Your call to uninjured workers will be difficult. The corruption in the system is convoluted and networked among politicians, physicians, and private industry. So an explaination of the problems and unethical dealings is sometimes difficult to paint into a clear picture to those who haven't experienced the pain and abandonment. That will be your job. It will not be easy.

    You are right about the corruption and lack of ethics that has infiltrated physician community. Of all professions, we have often thought of the medical profession upholding integrity, honesty and do what is right for the patient. I am appalled at what this profession has become. We must remember, however, that there are some good physicians out there. We must somehow garner their support to help us. The first thing to do is support new laws to protect them against retaliation. We need strong whistleblower laws for physicians. Many who may want to speak out know they can't due to retaliation, blacklisting or loss of career.

    Good luck with your endeavor. All injured workers applaud your efforts. I hope you can make a difference with your blog.

    1. Hi Watchdogonscience,
      Please call me if you can. It's been a very long time but the fight goes on. I hope all is well with you.
      Mitchell Sentinel

  2. Dear Terri,

    watchdogonscience has said it so well.

    Many, MANY Federal and State Agencies have been contacted as to the corruption within the workers compensation to no avail when my son finally figured out what had made him so sick.

    Not only do injured workers get shafted at the state level, the employers are very clever in NOT letting the injured worker know he/she was injured as a result of unsafe workplace in the first place.

    I can only pray that under this new administration the lies, deceit, and corruption will be revealed to the public and the HONEST politicians.

    Corporations (whether large or small), Workers Compensation Insurance companies, crooked judges as well as our so called representatives that are to protect the American worker have not been doing their jobs. Or should I say, they are doing their job, but for THEMSELVES.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I recall that ALL insurance premiums (employers workers compensation insurance premiums included) are a WRITE-OFF on the employers taxes at the end of the year. Is this not still the case?

    I invite you to read
    In this website there is a section with the actual documents being scanned and put online concerning the corruption within the workers compensation process that my son had to endure. Of most interest is the 1st and 2nd "MOTIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION". Although the 1st "MOTION" is rather long (to say the least) it cites Federal and State of California laws that were broken, including Federal and state constitutional laws. It is mind-boggling how cases like this have been allowed to continue.

    Good luck Terri, you have the support of all injured workers and their families.

    1. It has been a long time since I have been able to address this issue. It is now time and I hope you are still following and hope to hear from you.

      Thank you.


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