Monday, November 21, 2016

A Zombie Love Story

1 comment:

  1. I have written letters to the elected officials in Alaska and I recently referenced a document that bore the words, "warm loving hug of a snake". I felt it mocked me in that the state could choke me to death. I have always said I wouldn't say anything I couldn't prove. However, I was not provided any documents at that hearing, and because it was so disgusting, I talked of it. When I requested a copy, I was given the above Zombie document. Now, for any reasonable person, in my opinion, this shows the way Assistant Attorney Rhodes thinks. Perhaps this is the second story, the snake choked me, amazingly disappeared and now I'm in a Zombie situation. Either way, it is a disgusting and deplorable way to address anyone, especially in a situation where the person has proven their case and years earlier been medically retired for that same injury, but sadly, the power of the corrupt allows the working corrupt to make jokes of disposing of legitimate cases. All in a day's work, apparently. The letters will be posted shortly. Please check your comp files to see what cartoon fun is being had at your expense.


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